>> Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I woke up this morning 3 pounds lighter than I did yesterday morning! I'm more tired and hungry than I was yesterday, (maybe I should have gone to bed before midnight) but that kind of loss is so motivating!!! Today I have, so far, enjoyed malt 'o' meal with cinnamon, stevia and pecans. For lunch, I had whole wheat penne pasta with pesto, tomatoes and roasted red peppers. It was soooo good! I will probably go over my calories for the day a bit, because we are having dinner at the in-laws tonight. We always eat good over there! I won't overdo it though. I'd like another good loss tomorrow. Of course, I'm not expecting such a big one today. That was just awesome!
I always thought calorie counting was hard and tedious. But I think it's fun! Plus, I get to eat what I want. Instead of saying "You can't have that cookie!" (which I don't do well with) it says, "Would that cookie be the best use of your allotted daily calories?" It makes you more aware of what you are eating. And that is something I definitely needed!!! My kids had grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. And it helped me to know that I COULD have that if I wanted too.....but I made the wiser choice....And maybe someday soon I'll treat myself to a grilled cheese.
I'm doing so good right now I could bust! I'm so happy and so fulfilled!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

......On a side note......I am thinking of working on a piece about Religous Control and how evil it is....................Toodles!!!!!


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